About Us
about us
Intelligent Quotient Security System has created a niche name in the world of online defense and investigation techniques. Right from its inception its core value was to provide assistance to Law enforcement agencies, Judiciary, Corporate, Education and allied departments in the Government sector. Working on smaller cases it has worked on mission critical cases related to the darker side of cyber world and has come up successfully in its mission.
IQSS does not believe in marketing its services and has a zero marketing and sales team. Clients come to IQSS by the goodwill it has created. The fact that IQSS today has more than 1,000 clients speaks volume of an organization, whose intention is to make the globe free from the cyber menace. Clients from all over the globe come to us for solutions, which are un-parallel and get services, which are unblemished, and the best of its kind.

IQSS has the rare distinction to work on more than 3,500 cases of cyber crime and has practically handled cases related to:
1. Data Theft
2. Banking and Financial Frauds
3. E-mail related Frauds
4. Intellectual Property Rights
5. Cyber Terrorism
6. Social Networking Crimes (Facebook, WhatsApp etc.)
7. Forensic Data Recovery
8. Recovery of mobile and laptops
9. Lottery Frauds Cases/ Ponzi schemes
10. Internet Abuse Investigation
11. Plagiarism

IQSS has also trained more than 20,000 cops from Maharashtra, Gujrat, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh & Goa. The officers attending the program were right from PSI to Commissioner level. The training programs of IQSS are most sought by law enforcement in terms of its ease and practical contents. IQSS resource person has also trained Home Ministry, Higher Judicial officers, Sales Tax, Public Prosecutors, Agriculture department, Irrigation department, Revenue department, ZP, Skill development department, Education department, Professors from Engineering, Commerce, Science, Pharmacy, Medical, Management, Arts, Education, Hotel Management and Social Science.
IQSS has its own proprietary training program endorsed by University in Maharashtra, which is widely spread all across Maharashtra. IQSS has kept its momentum in the corporate world also and has got need based training program related to audit, information security policy and guidelines, cyber security guidelines and compliance. These programs are keenly taken by corporate from various verticals and are implemented in the organization ensuring that they are compliant according to the laws of the land.

IQSS with its specialized team focusing on the need of its clients and addressing to them with viable solution ensuring that the customer delight is always kept forward. The very fact that in most cyber crime cases the matters get resolved within 2-3 working days and speaks volume of an organization who has worked endlessly to develop proprietary techniques to help its client.
IQSS does not limit itself to cases or training related to cyber crime and cyber law. It also has a dedicated wing to develop e-governance software related to the functioning of the University.
These software's include:
1. E-delivery of Question Paper
2. Digital Watermarking of Documents
3. Online examination system
4. Online creation of question papers
5. Online assessment of answer sheets

Certified Professionals
We Have Certified Professionals and Consultants.
Best Courses
We have best in class courses for students, corporates, and professionals
Award winning trainers
We have qualified award winning trainers at staff.From CEO Desk

“At IQSS we are committed in providing techno legal solutions in the cyber sphere domain covering all verticals ensuring that the lead time for investigation or evidence collection is minimized making the justice system transparent, fair and just. We are also aimed to make the world free from cyber crime breaches thereby making this place safe from hackers and evil prowls. Finally, we want to become a regionally recognized brand name, capitalizing on the sustained interest in India. Our goal is moderate growth, annual profitability and maintaining our sense of humor.”